Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Quasars and Plasma Cosmology: Falsifying Einstein and Hubble, the Big Bang and Dark Matter

Quasars are an interesting topic to study for cosmologists, as they do not agree with the red shift Doppler effect, namely Hubble's Law, thus putting the Big Bang, expanding universe, and Einstein's laws into question. Quasars were also discovered nearly thirty years after Hubble invented his law, stating that the redshift of a galaxy is correlated with its distance from the Milky Way, and this Doppler shift indicates that all galaxies are moving further away from us in our expanding universe.

Einsteinian scientists still refuse to accept any other reasons apart from distance to explain this red shift in galaxies, even after quasar anomalies put distance into question. Cosmologists who wouldn't dare to question Einstein's dogmatic mainstream theories of gravitation had to invent dark matter, black holes, and dark energy to account for all of the missing mass in our universe. Einstein's theories simply do not work in the construction of a galaxy, therefore cosmologists fill in his blanks with their imaginary fantasies of dark matter and dark energy.

As an example, Einstein's Cross shows four distinct sources of light in a quasar and cosmologists state that there are numerous black holes intertwined around this galaxy that are causing the light to appear as it does. Einstein predicted that light from a distant object that was gravitationally warped around a massive foreground object would form arcs or even a full circle. Here we see four bright spots and no ring-like elongations. In fact, all four of the bright spots are elongated in the wrong direction: they stretch toward the galaxy centre. Also, these four sources of light change in brightness during short periods of time, making the black hole theory crumble to pieces. Einstein's Cross clearly shows that quasars are embedded in galaxies, and more so, there is no bending of light.

More observations were undertaken using the Hubble Space Telescope, wherein a friend of Arp's documented that quasar D (right) is physically connected to the nucleus of the galaxy. Later, a high redshift connection was discovered between quasars A (bottom) and B (top) which passes in front of the connection between the nucleus and quasar D. But these observations went unnoticed: the journal which usually prints results from the Hubble Space Telescope rejected this announcement twice.

Mathematical analysis, too, casts doubt on the gravitational lens theory. The faint foreground galaxy would need to be much bigger and brighter in order to accomplish this lensing feat: In fact, it would have to be two magnitudes brighter than "conventional quasars," the brightest objects known.

Ring systems are explained by Einsteinian cosmologists by using gravitational lens. However, they fail to recognize these objects as simple ring galaxies without gravity being the cause of the ring of light. It is proposed that the gravity of the sun bends light. However, while studying a solar eclipse in 1919, scientists found that there were also numerous stars whose light were not being bent. Furthermore, numerous other galaxies (i.e. Andromeda) do not exhibit this lensing. Even our own supposed black hole at the centre of our supposed galaxy does not bend light. Should it not be refracting light much more so than our sun? Through simple scientific observation, this clearly goes against the gravitational lensing theory. We must seriously ask ourselves, does gravity really bend space and light?

When bending of light is seen around the sun, is Einstein's gravity the only explanation for this phenomenon? It turns out that it is not. If we accept an electric sun that is powered externally (plasma theory), which has external plasma fields, we would also get this bending of light, without a gravitational explanation. In fact, science has shown that ionized moving gas from a plasma source does appear to bend light. Therefore, visual distortions of light around the sun could have a lot to do with moving energy, and not gravity.

Big Bang theorists suggest that matter exploded into random directions in space with varying velocities, which means that there would be no quantized red shifts. However, while studying quasars in galaxies, we find quantized red shifts with discrete intervals. This could only make sense using a Big Bang model if the earth were at the centre of the universe, which has not been disproved either.

Therefore, the Hubble Law has been falsified and the red shift (according to quasar studies) does not prove that the universe is expanding, while the Big Bang is a figment of the imagination. Such scientists supporting these false claims come up with science fiction theories that are pushed into the mainstream media and shoved down people's throat using public funding.

The Big Bang that was proposed by a Catholic priest, paved the way for Darwinian thinking and evolution, where the origin of life could be fantasized to occur by mere random chance. According to Einstein theorists, we live in a universe where there is 95% of matter (dark) we simply cannot detect. The theories put forth by scientists today are not science, but rather a set of religious beliefs that crumble in the face of modern discoveries. Like religious priests, scientific authorities would have us believe that we are too dumb to understand these cosmological theories and claims to be able to make sense of them. According to them, we simply do not possess the Math or Physics to be able to understand their theories.

With Einstein theorists left to only work with the force of gravity, they have dismissed electrical forces that are at work in the universe. As a result, they have invented the Big Bang, expanding universe, dark matter, and black holes to be able to construct a galaxy, which in the end still doesn't hold together. If scientists were to hear out Dr. Halton Arp's electric theory of the universe and learn more about electromagnetic forces and plasma cosmology found in peer-reviewed scientific literature, perhaps they would come closer to understanding the divine truths behind our universe.

Halton Arp, the award-winning American astronomer and protégé of Edwin Hubble, who has died aged 86, wrote a widely-used text, the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (1966); yet in the middle of his career he found himself attacked by his fellow scientists and was eventually forced to pursue his studies in exile, after he dared to question the publicly-funded Big Bang theory of the universe.

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Also See:

The Electric Sky and Pseudo-Science of Today's Cosmic Theories

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The Electric Sky and Pseudo-Science of Today's Cosmic Theories

There is a revolution just beginning in astronomy/cosmology that will rival the one set off by Copernicus and Galileo. This revolution is based on the growing realization that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. It is becoming clear that 99% of the universe is made up not of "invisible matter", but rather, of matter in the plasma state. Electrodynamic forces in electric plasmas are much stronger than the gravitational force.

Mainstream astrophysicists are continually “surprised” by new data sent back by space probes and orbiting telescopes. That ought to be a clue that something is wrong. New information always sends theoretical astrophysicists "back to the drawing board". In light of this, it is curious that they have such "cock-sure" attitudes about the infallibility of their present models. Those models seem to require major "patching up" every time a new space probe sends back data.

Astrophysicists and astronomers do not study experimental plasma dynamics in graduate school. They rarely take any courses in electrodynamic field theory, and thus they try to explain every new discovery via gravity, magnetism, and fluid dynamics which is all they understand. It is no wonder they cannot understand that 99% of all cosmic phenomena are due to plasma dynamics and not to gravity alone.

When confronted by observations that cast doubt on the validity of their theories, astrophysicists have circled their wagons and conjured up pseudo-scientific invisible entities such as neutron stars, weakly interacting massive particles, strange energy, and black holes. When confronted by solid evidence such as Halton Arp's photographs that contradict the Big Bang Theory, their response is to refuse him access to any major telescope in the U.S.

Instead of wasting time in a futile battle trying to convince entrenched mainstream astronomers to seriously investigate the Electric/Plasma Universe ideas, a growing band of plasma scientists and engineers are simply bypassing them. A new electric plasma-based paradigm that does not find new discoveries to be “enigmatic and puzzling”, but rather to be predictable and consistent with an electrical point of view, is slowly but surely replacing the old paradigm wherein all electrical mechanisms are ignored. [Source]

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Also See:

Quasars and Plasma Cosmology: Falsifying Einstein and Hubble, the BigBang and Dark Matter

The Scientific Wisdom of Ptolemy and Kepler's Scientific Forgery

Ptolemy's geocentric model of our orbital system uses epicycles, which helps explains retrograde motion of Mars, and phase / size changes of Venus. Interestingly, Ptolemy's orbits almost resemble the Fibonacci sequence seen in a young sunflower.

Copernicus used many of Ptolemy's concepts in his simplified heliocentric model, but he left out the complicated epicycles. He also used perfect circles for the orbits that he claimed circled the sun.

When scientific authorities began to realize that Copernicus' model did not work, John Kepler later came along and made the orbits elliptical, in order to support the heliocentric model. His data was fabricated, according to New York Times. With the new Kepler orbits, Isaac Newton then introduces his gravitational laws to further support the heliocentric theory.

New York Times reports:

Done in 1609, Kepler's fakery is one of the earliest known examples of the use of false data by a giant of modern science. The discovery was made by Dr. Donahue, a science historian, while translating Kepler's master work, ''Astronomia Nova,'' or ''The New Astronomy,'' into English. Dr. Donahue, who lives in Sante Fe, N.M., described his discovery in a recent issue of The Journal of the History of Astronomy. The fabricated data appear in calculated positions for the planet Mars, which Kepler used as a case study for all planetary motion. Kepler claimed the calculations gave his elliptical theory an independent check. But in fact they did nothing of the kind.

We must now ask ourselves, should we really believe Kepler and all the later scientific claims that are based on his model of the universe ?

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Also See:

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Rethinking Our Universe: From Galaxies, to Nebulae, to Orbits

Is it a coincidence that all of these planetary nebulae are facing directly towards earth? Perhaps we are being shown Ptolemy's orbital system in action. Ptolemy (top left) suggested that earth was at centre, with the sun and other bodies orbiting around in epicycles.

When one compares his model to these planetary nebulae, we note some striking similarities in the orbital systems. Ptolemy's model was considered far too complex by Copernicus, and did not go well with the sun-worshipping occult priests and authorities of that time.

However, we must ask ourselves: do we live in a milky way "galaxy", the one so clearly shown in photographs taken millions of light years away? How would such an image outside of our galaxy be photographed ? Is a nebula really what we think it is, considering that we have not seen a full lifespan?

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Also See:

Sun Worship: The Origin of Heliocentrism?

Copernicus was the one who proposed Heliocentrism, yet many are quick at pointing out Galileo. Scientific authorities are quick to say that the Church wanted to persecute Galileo, but how true does this statement hold? If that was the case, then why did the Pope present a gift of honour to the one who brought to him Copernicus' theory, stating that the earth revolves around the sun, and not vice-versa.

More importantly, we must take note of individuals that influenced Copernicus, who had only gone to school to obtain a degree in canon law (religious law). During this time, astrology, occult science, and Roman mythology were also rampant. Could there be a significant connection between sun worship and why this theory was heralded as ultimate truth? When one studies Egyptology and occult practices, we learn that High Priests during the time of Jesus worshipped the sun, as did Egyptian elites. As one example, Paul (Saul) was largely influenced by the Mithras religion, and hence today we are left with the solar calendar and Sunday for worship, as was decided by elites at the Council of Nicaea. Constantine was keen on promoting sun worship, which had its place in Greek and Roman mythological gods. Symbols of sun worship can also be found today, littered throughout the media and music industry.

So what is our real reason to accept the sun as centre? Is it simply a matter of science and the creation of physical laws that are made appealing to the heliocentric theory? Perhaps it has a lot to do with old philosophical views that had no basis in science. Could it be a delusion created by authorities, who wish to deceive the masses, keeping the secrets of our universe hidden under a cloak of fabricated science theories. Perhaps time will tell.

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Did Kepler Murder Brahe and Skew his Data to Support Heliocentrism?

After Brahe's (top left) death, Kepler obtained  his data and findings, and changed his orbital system to a pure heliocentric one. Kepler (top right) had to create new laws of planetary motion in order to satisfy the apparent observations of planets' orbits, and to satisfy the heliocentric model.

Did Johannes Kepler (the heliocentrist) Murder Tycho Brahe, known for his geocentric views?

As an astronomer, Tycho worked to combine what he saw as the geometrical benefits of the Copernican system with the benefits of the Ptolemaic system into his own model of the #universe, the Tychonic system. Furthermore, he was the last of the major naked eye astronomers, working without telescopes for his observations.

In this depiction below of the Tychonic system, the objects on blue orbits (the moon and the sun) rotate around the earth. The objects on orange orbits (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) rotate around the sun. Around all is a sphere of stars, which rotates.

Brahe was the Imperial Mathematician at the court of the Holy Roman Emperor in Prague and the most famous astronomer of his era. He was one of the first great systematic empirical scientists and one of the earliest founders of the modern scientific method. His forty years of planetary observations—an unparalleled treasure of empirical data—contained data that Kepler twisted in order to promote his own heliocentric theory. But those observations would become available to Kepler only after Brahe's death. 

It has also been found that Kepler was involved in occult science and astrology. He is quoted as saying:

'The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind.' 

Much of Kepler’s enthusiasm for the Copernican (heliocentric) system stemmed from his theological convictions about the connection between the physical and the spiritual; the universe itself was an image of God, with the Sun corresponding to the Father. All of this seems to link back to Constantine's promoting of sun worship (Roman gods), which seeped its way into the Church through symbols and rituals.

Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.

Also See:

The Scientific Wisdom of Ptolemy and Kepler's Scientific Forgery