Copernicus used many of Ptolemy's concepts in his simplified heliocentric model, but he left out the complicated epicycles. He also used perfect circles for the orbits that he claimed circled the sun.
When scientific authorities began to realize that Copernicus' model did not work, John Kepler later came along and made the orbits elliptical, in order to support the heliocentric model. His data was fabricated, according to New York Times. With the new Kepler orbits, Isaac Newton then introduces his gravitational laws to further support the heliocentric theory.
New York Times reports:
Done in 1609, Kepler's fakery is one of the earliest known examples of the use of false data by a giant of modern science. The discovery was made by Dr. Donahue, a science historian, while translating Kepler's master work, ''Astronomia Nova,'' or ''The New Astronomy,'' into English. Dr. Donahue, who lives in Sante Fe, N.M., described his discovery in a recent issue of The Journal of the History of Astronomy. The fabricated data appear in calculated positions for the planet Mars, which Kepler used as a case study for all planetary motion. Kepler claimed the calculations gave his elliptical theory an independent check. But in fact they did nothing of the kind.
We must now ask ourselves, should we really believe Kepler and all the later scientific claims that are based on his model of the universe ?
Please check out our mind-blowing documentary, entitled Drills Hoaxes & Crisis Actors - From Shootings to NASA & Space. You can find and download the full video here.
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